Tourmaline in the elbaite-subtype pegmatites from the Czech Republic: towards the general evolution trends

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Year of publication 2021
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Elbaite-subtype of rare-element group of granitic pegmatites defined by Novák & Povondra (1995) from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif represents mineralogically variable rock suite. The evolution of the primary tourmaline can be characterized as fractionation from Mg-, Fe-, to Fe- Al- and Mn,Al-dominant compositions with low to moderate F and Li. It is followed by of Li,Al,F-rich tourmalines in pockets and hydrothermal (metasomatic) veinlets that may be widespread in all pegmatite zones. The elbaite-subtype pegmatites are characterized by very high B activity during most stages of their evolution, with high F+Li contents restricted to late magmatic (albite zone) and hydrothermal stages.
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