Psychoterapeutické metody v praxi : Rozdíly mezi resorty


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Title in English Psychotherapeutic methods in practice : Differences among sectors


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychoterapie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords psychotherapeutic methods; psychotherapeutic techniques; principles of change; role of therapist; sectors
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Description Psychotherapy is an activity performed in many sectors and contexts. The aim of this study was to describe the differences in the use of psychotherapeutic methods among health services, social services, education, the armed and security forces, and private practice. N = 373 respondents answered an online questionnaire mapping the use of therapeutic techniques, principles of therapeutic change, the subjectively perceived role of the therapist in the therapeutic relationship, and other aspects of the therapeutic practice and education. Statistical analysis revealed a relatively large number of differences in techniques, but only few differences in the remaining areas. Therefore, the implementation of psychotherapy in different sectors has its specifics. However, these must be considered relative to a substantial variability among therapists “within” the sectors. The survey also revealed room for improvement in the frequency of supervision, familiarity with the ethical principles of psychotherapy, and the membership of psychotherapists in professional societies.
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