Zpráva o průběhu klinického hodnocení „RASmiR"


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Clinical Trial Interim Report: „RASmiR"


Year of publication 2021
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web RasMir
Description Clinical Trial RASmiR - Rational Anti-EGFR therapy Selection for the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic KRAS/NRAS wild type colorectal cancer based on the use of molecular predictor miR-31-5p EudraCT number 2018-001210-15. The annual progress report describes the course and current status of the clinical trial (CT) in the period 01.08.2020 - 31.07.2021. Among other things, it summarizes changes in CT centers, the state of current patient recruitment, and provides an overview of subjects and protocol deviations. It also contains information on the evaluated IMP and summarizes the measures that arose from the State Institute for Drug Control inspection held on 01.-03.2020.
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