14-3-3ζ phosphomimicking mutants: an alternative to phosphorylation?

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This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Central European Institute of Technology. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Študentská vedecká konferencia PriF UK 2021: zborník recenzovaných príspevkov
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

web https://fns.uniba.sk/fileadmin/prif/svk/zborniky/Zbornik2021.pdf
Keywords 14-3-3; 14-3-3zeta; phosphomimicking mutant; monomerization; thermal stability
Description The 14-3-3 proteins are typically found in dimeric form crucial for their proper function in cells. Yet, a unique role of monomers has been debated in recent studies. Monomerization of 14-3-3? is regulated via phosphorylation of Ser58 located at dimer interface. However, it is difficult to obtain 14-3-3? specifically phosphorylated at Ser58 (pS58) in sufficient purity and amount. For these reasons three distinct phosphomimicking mutants, i. e. 14-3-3? S58E, S58D and S57D S58D were designed and studied in terms of the oligomeric nature and thermodynamical properties. Finally, they were compared to 14-3-3? wild type and monomeric mutant L12E M78K, used to approximate monomeric 14-3-3? pS58, to discuss whether they could be valid alternative for study of 14-3-3? pS58. Although phosphomimicking mutants S58E and S58D and 14-3-3? pS58 share negative charge at position 58, they were observed to exhibit distinct properties than monomeric 14-3-3?. Designed double mutant S57D S58D with additional negative charge in the Ser58 surrounding appeared as more appropriate alternative of pS58 protein.
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