Prediktory vizuálnej predstavivosti : senzorická senzitivita, všímavosť a osobnostné dimenzie


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Title in English Predictors of visual imagination : sensory sensitivity, mindfulness and personality dimensions


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference KOGNICE A UMĚLÝ ŽIVOT XX : Sborník z 20. ročníku konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords sensory sensitivity; mindfulness; personality dimensions; extroversion; neuroticism; openness; visual imagery; linear regression model
Description Visual imagery is a tool for everyday adaptive functioning and at the same time useful asset e.g. in memory training, psychotherapy or in the artificial intelligence development. This study examines the influence of various predictors on the vividness of visual imagery. Based on the literature review, sensory sensitivity, mindfulness and some of the personality dimensions were chosen. Data were collected as the part of research project focused on the study of memory and consciousness, using an online questionnaire survey. The questionnaires used in our study were the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire, Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory, Glasgow Sensory Sensitivity Questionnaire and the NEO Five-Factor Inventory. Our research sample consisted of 92 participants. The resulting linear regression model included mindfulness, sensory sensitivity, and the personality dimension “openness” as significant predictors of the vividness of visual imagery. The strongest predictor of the vividness of visual imagery was mindfulness and similarly strong predictors were sensory sensitivity and openness. The results of this correlation study aid in the discussion of possible enhancement of the visual imagination through mindfulness training. This enhancement might be comparable with the levels of individuals who carry the relevant innate characteristics (such as sensory sensitivity and openness) predicting the vividness of visual imagery naturally.
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