Securitising the future : Dystopian migration discourses in Poland and the Czech Republic


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BARTOSZEWICZ Monika Gabriela EIBL Otto EL GHAMARI Magdalena

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source FUTURES
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords Migration; Securitisation; Demographic change; Dystopian future; Poland; The Czech Republic
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Description This paper presents findings of a comparative study carried out in Poland and the Czech Republic, which analysed the societal attitudes towards migration and migrants in Europe. Our research shows that the reaction to migration in Poland and the Czech Republic constitutes a reversed (bottom up) securitisation. Moreover, contrary to the majority of security challenges where the immediate threats are understood to be more dangerous than those placed in a distant future, when it comes to securitised migration, the threat projection increases the further into the future it is cast, and immediacy loses its potency as a catalyst. Societal discourses on migration foresee a dismal future which becomes more and more dystopian with the passing time.
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