Technical traditions and individual variability in the Early Neolithic : Linear pottery culture flint knappers in the Aisne Valley (France)

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ALLARD Pierre DENIS Soléne

Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source PLOS ONE
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Neolithic; lithic technology; knappers; transmission; apprenticeship
Description For the Early Neolithic lithic industry in Western Europe (5500–4800 BCE), the study of technical behaviors, recognition of technical traditions, and even more so, idiosyncratic manifestations are not widespread. In this study, we propose an original approach to lithic industries based on the identification of "communities of practice" and individuals within housing units. The comparison of lithic series from the Meuse, Rhine and Seine basins allowed us to identify different technical traditions in the Early Neolithic. The study of three dwelling units at two sites in the Aisne Valley in France shows that it is possible to distinguish different flint blade debitages, which we interpreted as the work of different knappers. This novel study of hand-finding in the villages of the first agro-pastoralists populations proves stimulating for the renewal of perspectives on the interpretation of the organization of activities within villages.
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