Beyond stealing : The determinants/motivations of Czech audiences to pay for audiovisual content.

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JANSOVÁ Iveta MACKOVÁ Alena ELAVSKY Charles Michael MACEK Jakub

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Critical Studies in Television
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords post-televisual audience; convergent audience; piracy; streaming; audiovisual content; motivations to pay; determinants to pay
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Description In the context of constantly changing media communication and the behavior of different actors engaging it, our paper seeks to map current transformations and adaptations to changes within Czech audiences with a special interest in their media routines and strategies for choosing media sources. As it still remains rather unclear how the post-televisual audience members decide regarding content sources, platforms or services, our main aim is to discover on what basis audiences decide to use or avoid either illegal or non-authorized content sources or legal or paid services. To do so, we examined two datasets, namely semi-structured interviews with audiences and survey on Czech adult population. As the Czech industry media market is rather small and conservative with notable changes in online sector largely occurring within the last five years, Czech audiences represent an important and unique population for the study of differences between paying and non-paying post-televisual audiences.
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