Role digitálních technologií v rodině očima rodičů


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Title in English The role of digital technologies from the parents point of view


Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Digital technologies have become a natural part of everyday life in society and family life microsystem. Thanks to mobile portable devices, family members are often online, e.g. always online (Engl. always on) (cf. Selwyn, 2014).Research confirms that digital technologies influence the family systemin all areas of its functioning (cf. Zounek et al., 2022). The aim of this paper is to capture the variations ways of understanding and experiencing the role of digital technologies in child rearing and education through the lens of parents. The paper discusses partial results of the author's qualitative phenomenographic research based on interviews with parents of primary school children. It presents three main categories descriptions that capture the ways in which parents integrate digital technologies into parenting and education of their children. These categories are metaphorically named after a tool designed to format text against an image "text wrapping". We can think of the family as an image captured by the research, that shows how it relates to the digital technologies that immediately surround them in their daily lives. The research identified three 'ways of wrapping around'; through, (Engl. through) in front of and behind. In the first case, digital tools are part of family functioning and a natural tool. They do not disrupt the family system and are an integrated part of the process of upbringing and education. In the second case, we see the family as a silhouette against the background of digital tools. These are used rather unconsciously as part of tacit strategies, and in particular parental need to buy time or entertain the child. They surround (overflow) the family but are not used in a purposeful way. In the third model, the silhouette of the family comes to the fore and the digital technologies are deliberately relegated to the background of the functioning of the family system. Parents declare that prefer 'real life', yet the influence of technology is reflected in the functioning of the family. Parents are forced to use digital tools in certain situations and children naturally want to access them. They then have to 'legitimise' their use against parental beliefs about'correct use'.
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