Data Loss Prevention Solution for Linux Endpoint Devices


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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ARES '23: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Keywords Data Loss Prevention; Auditing; Kernel Hooking; DLP; Data Leakage
Description Endpoint data loss prevention (DLP) software monitors and protects data on the endpoint against accidental and malicious leakage. While the risk of such leakage is widely present in current systems, it is more so within the intelligent infrastructures due to potential impact, heterogeneity, and complexity. However, there is a significant gap in open solutions for wide Linux-based endpoints. Therefore, this paper discusses possible approaches towards Linux endpoint DLP solution, which would be widely available on Linux distributions, not relying on fragile assumptions and not undermining security controls. Namely, the focus is on audit and control of file system operations and external USB devices. The viable approaches are discussed, and a prototype solution is implemented using the ftrace framework for file system operations and combining the udev subsystem and the sysfs virtual file system for external USB devices. While the solution is demonstrated in scenarios involving various DLP channels, it also established a platform for further research based on the data from intercepted events.
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