Projekt CONSCIOUS II: Interdisciplinární trénink v klinickém hodnocení pro studijní týmy budoucnosti

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Title in English Project CONSCIOUS II: Interdisciplinary training in clinical trials for the study teams of the future


Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Academic clinical trials, or investigator-initiated trials (IIT), play a crucial role in medical advances. They represent an opportunity to optimise and individualise patient treatment and answer questions from routine clinical practice. However, the demands placed on the investigators and study team members of IIT are high, and the stringent requirements directed at project teams must also be met. Establishing comprehensive training in this area is essential for the successful initiation and conduct of clinical trials, for ensuring the safety of their participants and for producing high-quality results that can be implemented in clinical practice. The CONSCIOUS II project was created to provide postgraduate training for medical, pharmacy and other biomedical students who could initiate a clinical study, be an investigator, or another member of the study team. It can also be used by lecturers in clinical trial theory. The project offers compact interdisciplinary information from the design and planning of a clinical study, through its implementation to the publication of the results. Thanks to an innovative pedagogical approach, students can apply the acquired skills to simulated situations based on real practice. The presentation will introduce the upcoming pilot teaching course, which anyone can join for free in autumn 2023.
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