Jak si školy vybírají podpůrná opatření pro sociálně znevýhodněné žáky – první výsledky evaluace post-covidové podpory

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Title in English How do schools select supportive measures for socially disadvantaged students – initial results of the evaluation of post-COVID support


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Description In the school year 2022/23, as part of Reform 3.2.2 of the National Recovery Plan, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT) launched the project "Support for Equal Opportunities," which focuses on supporting schools with a higher proportion of students facing social disadvantage. Within the project, each school was allocated a fixed budget, allowing them to choose from three groups of measures: personnel support, activities for students and their parents, and further professional development and support for teachers. This contribution will demonstrate how schools made their selections from the offered range of measures – when the selection process took place, who was involved in the selection, and who, on the contrary, was excluded. It will also explore which measures were chosen, the reasons behind their selection, how students targeted by these measures were selected. To answer these questions, document analysis (specifically analyses of needs prepared by the involved schools) and interviews with stakeholders (both involved and not involved in decision-making) were conducted. The results of the analyses will contribute to identifying the risk factors in the autonomous selection of measures by schools and will enable a more targeted selection of support measures in the future.
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