Super resolution microscopy based on spinning-disc and optical photon reassignment


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Year of publication 2023
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Description Spinning-disk confocal microscopy is a proven technology for investigating 3D structures of biological specimens. With the help of a newly modified Nipkow disk (SoRa), which comprises pinholes and micro-lenses on the front and back, respectively, emitted photons from the specimen can be optically reassigned to the most probable locations they originate from. Data reliability is ensured owing to our Olympus Super Resolution (OSR) technology. Based on optical theory, our OSR processing algorithms are capable of obtaining a spatial resolution of 120 nm, providing highly reliable results below the diffraction limit. Deep tissue observation is achieved using silicone immersion objectives and through the optical sectioning capability of confocal microscopes.
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