Identifikace bakteriálně přenosných nemocí z historického zubního kamene


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Title in English Identification of bacterial infective diseases from historical dental calculus


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká antropologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords dental calculus; 16S rDNA; ancient DNA; aDNA; pathogen; metagenome; SEM; tuberculosis; Mycobacteria
Description Historical dental calculus is a relatively novel biological material which can be analyzed by molecular biological methods. Currently used diagnostics of disease is based on morphological changes of bones and requires molecular confirmation which is carried out from bone or dental tissue. This destructive method irreversibly damages the remains of an individual. Dental calculus can, as a mineralized dental plaque, capture and preserve basically anything that passes through the oral cavity, including pathogenic bacteria. The aim of this thesis is to apply selected methods on the historical dental calculus with the purpose of diagnosing bacterial infective diseases with a particular focus on tuberculosis, widespread in the history, and to determine whether this material is indeed suitable for establishing a diagnosis.
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