Současné výzvy a příležitosti uzavírání smluv online

Title in English Current challenges and opportunities for online contracting

JAREŠ Adam KASL František LOUTOCKÝ Pavel

Year of publication 2024
Type Monograph
Description The monograph focuses on the electronic conclusion of private law contracts. The authors gradually deal with the prerequisites for valid electronic private law negotiations and the obstacles to its wider use or relevant decision-making practice. The book also discusses the sub-aspects that that arise during electronic contracting in contemporary society, such as alternative technologies and tools related to electronic contracting, and focus on specific actors (e.g. consumers). In the later chapters, the authors address the enforcement of obligations under electronically signed contracts in the context of their evidentiary reliability. The authors do not look at the topics addressed only from the perspective of the Czech legal system, but they address them from the perspective of European regulations, in particular the eIDAS regulation and its revision adopted in 2024. The topic of the book is also seen in the context of the strategic documents of the European Union and current trends in the field of electronic legal transactions.
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