Dispenzární ambulance – spolupráce týmu s nutričním specialistou v průběhu sledování pozdních následků onkologické léčby – kazuistiky


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Medicine. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Dispensary outpatient clinic - team cooperation with a dietitian follow-up of late effects of oncological treatment - case reports


Year of publication 2023
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description BACKGROUND: The increasing number of patients requiring long-term follow-up of the possible development of late sequelae of cancer and its treatment makes it necessary to assess the needs of patients more effectively and to use the interventions of experts of different specialties in a multidisciplinary team. Sharing and collaborative patient care implies an intensive exchange of factual information as well as finding a specific language to communicate other aspects of the impression the patient leaves on us. A prerequisite for influencing the attitude towards the patient is to allow a different perspective on the patient with the support of the expertise of a colleague in the team. Case report: we present two cases - the case of a 25-year-old woman after treatment of spindle cell sarcoma of paraspinal and intraspinal localization diagnosed at the age of 5 years and the case of a 21-year-old woman after treatment of craniopharyngeoma dia gnostic at the age of 6 years. We use the cases to describe the interactions of a psychologist and a nutrition therapist with specialty training in the context of dispensary follow-up of patients who underwent cancer treatment in childhood and adolescence. In each case, we observe moments in the patients' care that, from our perspective, marked a shift in the patient's approach or treatment. Conclusion. In the cases reported here, the collaboration may involve uncovering the hidden causes of the patient's relationship with his/her own body and self-care issues that are reflected in nutritional care, the patient's lifestyle and, last but not least, his/her quality of life. All this is closely linked to the development of a certain group of late effects of cancer treatment.
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