První rok za katedrou: překonávání výzev spojených s pedagogickými lídry začínajícími učitelkami

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This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Arts. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English The first year behinds the desk: navigating through the challenges of pedagogical leaders by novice teachers


Year of publication 2024
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The study presents the results of an analysis based on a series of interviews conducted with six novice teachers in their first year of teaching. During the process of collecting these interviews, I noticed how the female teachers talked about their school management and how they grew more critical of their superiors later in the data collection process. The interviews were analyzed using open coding and thematic analysis to gain a deeper understanding of this emerging theme. The results of the analyses suggest that mismatches in mutual expectations and communication are the main reasons behind the critical attitudes towards senior teachers. This misalignment often resulted in conflicts that resulted in the disruption of the identity of the studied female teachers, changes in their teaching practices, and in some cases, consideration of leaving the school. However, this behavior by the teachers seems to be more of a strategy to survive and learn from these challenging situations at school.
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