Return of Illiberalism : The Results of the 2023 General Election in Slovakia

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HAVLÍK Vlastimil LYSEK Jakub SPÁČ Peter ZVADA Lubomír

Year of publication 2024
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politologický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web article - open access
Keywords Slovakia; elections; voting behaviour; illiberalism; populism
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Description After a general overview of the context of the 2023 general election in Slova-kia, the article provides a detailed analysis of the electoral results and support for political parties. Using both aggregate and individual level data, we show that the results were inuenced by a combination of long-term features den-ing electoral support and voting behaviour in Slovakia and a more recent trend including weaker ideological attachment and the increased importance of leadership personality for political party preference. Also, it seems that the illib-eral mobilization may be traced in the dynamic of electoral shifts in the context of dierent behaviour of various societal groups. Moreover, the return of illib-eral actors to power in Slovakia seems to have been characterized by a surge of votes for conservative or populist left-wing forces in the larger Slovak cities. Although this is not reected in the turnout, at the individual level we can as-sume that liberal voters turned out in smaller numbers, while Smer voters may have been more mobilized, or some voters may have switched from other po-pulist parties such as OĽaNO.
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