Resilience to (online) disinformation in the Czech Republic : Influence of post-truth political communication

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Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description In recent years, the spread of online disinformation has been considered a major challenge for democratic societies. Building upon the framework introduced by Humprecht, Esser, and Van Aelst (2020), we examine the circumstances which influence people’s resilience to intentionally shared false information. Trying to understand the diffusion and consumption of disinformation in the Czech Republic, especially in the environment of social media, we look at political (e.g., polarization and populism) and discursive (e.g., media trust) opportunities which affect whether the people are willing to like, comment, and share disinformation or whether they disregard and ignore such messages.
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