Thermodynamics of the Liquid Co-Cu System and Calculation of Phase Diagram


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Year of publication 2000
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Phase Equilibria
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords Thermodynamics; Co-Cu System; Phase Diagram;
Description Knudsen-cell mass spectrometric measurements have been carried out in the liquid phase of the Co-Cu system in the concentration range 25.0-85.9 at% Cu in the temperature range 1347-1587 C. The molar excess Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy of mixing, as well as the thermodynamic activities of components in the liquid Co-Cu system were determined using the composition and temperature depencence of the ratio of intensities of 59Co and 63Cu ions. The results show that a subregular solution model wuold fit measured data well (2-parameter thermodynamically adpted power series (TAP): CnH in J.mol-1: C1H=35,961, C2H=-5573.2, CnS in J.mol-1K-1: C1S=5.54, C2S=-3.35). A special experiment verified solid-liquid phase equilibrium at 1327 C and the phase diagram was calculated.
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