Two-dimensional condensation of nucleic acid components at mercury film and gold electrodes.


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HASOŇ Stanislav VETTERL Vladimír

Year of publication 2002
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bioelectrochemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Biophysics
Keywords two-dimensional condensation; cytidine adlayers; cytidine adsorption; mercury film electrodes; gold single crystal; pyrolytic graphite electrodes;
Description The adsorption of cytidine at the mercury film electrodes and at the Au(111) single crystal electrode has been investigated by capacitance measurements (dependence of the differential capacitance C of the electrode double layer on the electrode potential E, C-E curves) and by cyclic voltammetry. Some kinetic aspects such as the effect of pH and temperature on the formation or dissolution of cytidine adlayer on the pyrolytic graophite electrode covered by a mercury film or on the Au(111) have been studied. The adsorption and two-dimensional condensation of cytidine at the mercury film electrodes is very similar to that observed at the hanging mercury drop electrode. Cytidine forms at the Au(111) distinct films ranging from a dilute adsorbed state to a condensed physisorbed film and an organised chemisorbed layer.
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