Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Linear Functional Differential Equations


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Year of publication 2003
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description For systems of linear functional differential equations (L FDE) we investigate the boundary value problems (BVP) both on a finite interval and on the real axis. We consider on a finit interval the BVPs for general system of L FDE and for system of linear ordinary differential equations with deviating argument (L ODE with DA): the Fredholmity and representation of solutions by Greens formula, the sign properties of a solution and prove the theorems of differential inequalities, the optimal, in a certain sense, conditions for the unique solvability (all the results are concretized for the initial, multi-point and periodic problems), the teorems on the well-possedness of above problems. For systems of L FDE and ODE with DA we consider the problems on existence of a periodic solution with a prescribed period and existence and unique existence of a bounded solution.
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