Radiation induced coronal wind in late B stars

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source New Astronomy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web http://www.elsevier.com/PII/S138410760300160X
Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords Stars: early-type; Stars: coronae; Hydrodynamics; Stars: winds; outflows; Stars: emission-line; Be
Description Multicomponent radiatively driven winds in the late B stars cause significant heating of the layers just above the photosphere. These heated layers form a hot region - a corona, which may provide a significant fraction of energy necessary for the formation of a coronal wind driven by gas pressure. Fast rotation of this radiation induced coronal wind may cause the formation of the disk. Disk inhibition by nonradial line force would have only a little effect in this case, since the main driving mechanism is pressure gradient and not absorption in spectral lines. Finally, we show that this coronal region may be a site of significant X-ray emission which is able to explain observed X-ray activity of early B stars.
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