OAI-PMH: Protokol pro metadatovou interoperabilitu

Title in English OAI-PMH: Protocol for metadata interoperability


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Automatizace knihovnických procesů
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

web OAI-PMH : protokol pro metadatovou interoperabilitu - aktualizovaný odkaz
Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords OAI; Open Archives Initiative; OAI-PMH; metadata; metadata download; Dublin Core; union catalogs; XML
Description OAI-PMH is a simple protocol that helps "service prividers" to harvest metadata offered by "data providers". Thanks to its properties and many open source software components this protocol is easy-to-implement into existing digital library applications. The article describes OAI protocol, its use and properties, software implemetnations etc. The article proposes several real-life scenarios taken from library world, where the protocol would be useful.
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