Cross-sensitization with morphine to methamphetamine effects on locomotion in mice


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LANDA Leoš ŠLAIS Karel ŠULCOVÁ Alexandra

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Psychiatrie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry
Keywords behavioural sensitization; methamphetamine; morphine; locomotor activity; mice
Description This study was aimed on development of cross-sensitization with morphine (MO) to methamphetamine (MET). Behavioural responses were measured in the "open field" test. Mice in two groups were pretreated for seven days either with MO at the dose 10 mg/kg/day or with MET at the dose of 2,5 mg/kg/day. On the day 8 all mice were given the "challenge dose" of MET 2.5 mg/kg to evaluate if a cross-sensitization developed. It has been shown that behavioural sensitization was present in both the group pretreated with MET and also in the group pretreated with MO.
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