Protidrogová výchova na I. stupni ZŠ - komfort nebo nutnost?


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Title in English Drug education in the conditions of the first level of basic schools - amenities or necessity?

ČECH Tomáš

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Švec, V.; Knotová, D.; Prokop, J. (ed.) Výchova v kontextu sociálních proměn
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords drugs; drug addiction; prevention; drug education; school; family; curriculum; education
Description The prime drug prevention is often aimed to the second level of basic schools that is too late, with reference to the development of society and drug problems. The sense of drug education, as an inevitable part of education that misses the comprehensive conception in practice, is getting to the center of the interest. The author employs himself in his paper by its realization in the conditions of the first level of basic school.
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