Moral judgement and moral orientation in Czech Adolescents

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Year of publication 2004
Type R&D Presentation
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The problematic of moral judgement and moral orientation become important during the period of adolescence in connection with development of formal thinking and peer relationships. Aim of this research was to investigate the levels of moral reasoning (in the sense of Kohlberg, 1984) and also to examine the existence of two moral orientations (Gilligan, Attanucci, 1988) in Czech adolescents. Research sample consisted of 213 adolescents (108 girls and 105 boys) aged 14 -19 years from four different secondary schools in Bohemia and Moravia. We used a moral dilemma questionnaire (according Rest, 1997) with eight alternative reasoning for every dilemma. There were also included justice and care-based reasoning. We focused on solving as well as on reasoning of the solving of moral dilemmas. We found out very similar structure of solving and reasoning of moral dilemmas in girls and boys, these findings do not agree with the widespread hypothesis of different moral development of girls and boys. The results also do not support the concept of male morality of justice and female morality of care in the sense of Gilligan and Attanucci (1988). Our research results in a conclusion that adolescents differ in preference of reasoning based either on relationships, or on principle, yet regardless of gender.
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