Doklad kultu nebo výrobního zařízení? Ke střední době bronzové na sídliti v Přáslavicích


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Title in English Evidence of a Cult or a Production Object? To the Middle Bronze Age on the settlement in Přáslavice, dis. Olomouc


Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference K poctě Vladimíru Podborskému. Přátelé a žáci k sedmdesátým narozeninám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Archaeology; Middle Bronze Age; Cult Object; Production Object; settlement; kiln
Description The site of “Díly pod dědinou” at Přáslavice near Olomouc was investigated during the archaeological rescue excavation by the Archeological Centre of Museum Olomouc in the years 1995; 1996. This paper considers the interesting Bronze Age object Nr. 1045. The author, on the base of its content, layout and known analogies, speculate about the function. Is possible to interpreted it, as a kiln as a cult object.
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