Menšinový jazyk jako obyvatelné místo. Vymístěný svět Imre Kertésze (Minor language as a place of dwelling: the displaced world of Imre Kertész)


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Title in English Minor language as a place of dwelling: the displaced world of Imre Kertész

HAMAR Eleonóra

Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords textual displacements; minor language; identity conflicts; deterritorialization; Holocaust
Description What does it mean to be displaced in ones own language? In what sense can language be the familiar place people dwell in? What kind of life-experiences can be revealed by the metaphor of language-homelessness? This paper tackles these questions by interpreting Imre Kertészs texts related to his experiences of the Holocaust and to the contemporary ways of coping with its memory. His texts are interpreted as instances of a minor language defined by its position in a field of power. The core argument is built on Deleuze and Guattaris conceptualization of minor language as a language characterized by a) deterritorialization, b) the interpenetration of the individual concerns and politics and c) the collective assemblage of enunciation. It is shown that Kertészs minor language is both the expression of a particular experience of displacement from the major language of the contemporary Hungarian society, and a form of resistance towards its dominant meanings.
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