Adolescents, Trust in a Teacher and Relation to School

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Year of publication 2004
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teachers and Health. E.Řehulka (Ed.)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords Adolescents; School; Trust
Description The aim of the contribution1) is firstly to characterise briefly how the view at the adolescent period has been changing owing to the changes in the life style. In the second part we concentrate on the characteristics of the relation adolescent teacher, or on perceiving teachers and school by the eyes of adolescents, as our recent research results have shown. We can summarize, that the adolescents still perceive their teachers in a bigger extent as their superiors than as possible partners for a dialogue. Nevertheless, the students do not deny good intentions of the teachers, their effort to hand over what they consider as important and useful, their belief that they do for the benefit of the students
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