On the adsorption of cetyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride at the mercury/electrolyte solution interface


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source J. Colloid Interface Sci.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords Cetyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride Differential capacitance Condensed film Nucleation Hemicelle
Description The adsorption of cetyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (CDBACl) on the mercury electrode is studied in varieous supporting electrolytes at varieous temperatures from 1 to 50 degC. A condensed film with low capacitance is formed at negative potentials at transition temparatures below approximately 40 degC. The decrease of the temperature favors the film formation, and increases the width of the capacitance pit, while its value remains practically constant. Hysteresis phenomena are also observed during different scan directions.
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