The role of trust in action among the adolescents

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Year of publication 2005
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The adolescence is a lifespan period in which youths establish and develop qualitatively new relations to parents and friends. The adolescents leave uncritical trust in parents and another authority for more critical and experience-based trust in friends and partner. The trust becomes more important in action. It makes in-group and out-group perception and evaluation dissimilar. Our research has aimed to find end explain relations among trust in a person, appraisal of this person and his/her situation, action planning, real activity and appraisal of this action. A method of real event has been chosen in order to ensure validity of the situations. Sixty-five secondary school students aged from 17 to 19 were asked to explain their action in two situations. The first group was asked to give real event in which a schoolmate needs help. The second group gave a real event in which a strange man needs help. All of them described his/her behavior in the situation and explained why he/she did behave in such a way. Our result showed strong relationship between trust and action. The problems of schoolmates were seen more true and urgent. Causation of their troubles was more external. The adolescents were more ready to help them. They more evaluate the help a friend.
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