Dynamická kartografická geovizualizace v krizovém managementu


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Dynamic Cartographical Geovisualisation in Crisis Management


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Česká geografie v evropském prostoru, Sborník referátů z XXI. sjezdu České geografické společnosti - vyžádaná přednáška
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Geovisualisation; ubiquitous and mobile and adaptable and contextual cartography; crisis management; geoinformatisation
Description In the Czech Republic, as well as abroad, there is significant public demand for integrated participation of several scientific disciplines in provision of crisis management. Up-to-date information, their suitable structuring, and easy access to them are necessary for supporting timely and correct decision-making in emergency/crisis situations. Most of such information is geo-referenced. Cartographic visualization plays an important role for users orientation. Visualization is not an isolated element of the information transfer process; it depends on the status of source databases, decision-supporting models, and behaviour of user. Current solutions of crisis management employ mostly static cartographicvisualizations based on pre-prepared models of crisis situations. Both public and private institutions gradually shift their focus from collection of data to their use in varied applications. Use of existing data, verification of their timeliness and integrity, analyses of their qualitative features, interpretation, presentation and implementation of their accessibility to users - these are currently the key requirements of public and private institutions that maintain the databases. Presented paper concentrates on issues of dynamic visualizations and real-time generated models.
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