Hot star wind models with new solar abundances

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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Astronomy and Astrophysics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords stars: winds outflows - stars: mass-loss - stars: early-type - hydrodynamics
Description We compare the hot-star wind models calculated by assuming older solar-abundance determination with models calculated using the recently published values derived from 3D hydrodynamical model atmospheres. We show that the use of new abundances with lower metallicity improves the agreement between wind observation and theory in several aspects. (1) The predicted wind mass-loss rates are lower by a factor of 0.76. This leads to better agreement with mass-loss rates derived from observational analysis that takes the clumping into account. (2) As a result of the lowering of mass-loss rates, there is better agreement between the predicted modified wind momentum-luminosity relationship and that derived from observational analysis that takes the clumping into account. (3) Both the lower mass fraction of heavier elements and lower mass-loss rates lead to a decrease in opacity in the X-ray region. This influences the prediction of the X-ray line profile shapes. (4) There is better agreement between predicted PV ionization fractions and those derived from observations.
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