Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Leuciscus cephalus (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) and cross-species amplification within the family Cyprinidae.

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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Molecular Ecology Notes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Leuciscus; Cyprinidae; microsatellites; primers; cross-amplification
Description Thirteen polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from Leuciscus cephalus, a widespread cyprinid species with great ecological tolerance. Together with the cross-species amplification of six additional loci originally published for three cyprinid fish species, we optimized a multiplex panel for L. cephalus allowing the genotyping of 19 polymorphic loci. Number of alleles and heterozygosity per locus in a sample of 20 fish individuals ranged from two to sixteen and from 0.05 to 0.90, respectively. These primers will be useful in determining the population structure of L. cephalus. In addition, successful cross-amplification was obtained for several species of Cyprinidae.
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