Problematika plánování úloh v prostředí Gridu

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Title in English Job scheduling in Grid environment


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Širokopásmové sítě a jejich aplikace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords plánování; Grid; lokální prohledávání; Tabu prohledávání
Description Effective job scheduling in the context of Grid computing introduces complex problem often solved by simplified techniques. Optimal solution is not achievable since it is a NP-complete problem. This work concentrates on the design of advanced scheduling techniques usable for Grid scheduling with better performance than frequently used queue-based techniques. Modular Grid simulator based on GridSim simulation toolkit was developed to provide a simulation environment that supports simulation of varying Grid scheduling problems. The solution is able to deal with common problems of job scheduling in Grids like heterogeneity of jobs and resources, and dynamic runtime changes such as arrival of new jobs. We implemented an experimental centralized Grid scheduler which uses standard queue-based algorithms or newly designed local search based algorithms (Tabu search) and dispatching rules for schedule generation. Interesting experimental results comparing the quality of optimization and time performance were achieved using newly developed schedule-based algorithms.
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