Supernetwork identifies multiple events of plastid trnF(GAA) pseudogene evolution in the Brassicaceae


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KOCH Marcus A. DOBEŠ Christoph KIEFER Christiane SCHMICKL Roswitha KLIMEŠ Leoš LYSÁK Martin

Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Mol. Biol. Evol.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords Brassicaceae; plastome; pseudogene; evolution; trnF gene; supernetwork
Description We describe the first large-scale supernetwork for the Brassiccaeae built from gene trees for 5 loci (adh, chs, matK, trnL-F, and ITS) and report multiple independent origins for trnF pseudogenes in crucifers.
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