Vertical Distribution of Invertebrates in Bed Sediments of a Gravel Stream in the Czech Republic

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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source International Review of Hydrobiology
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords gravel bar; streamline; freeze core; fine grains; organic carbon
Description The vertical distribution of invertebrates in bed sediments was studied in a gravel stream in the hercynian region of Central Europe, using freeze-cores to the depth of 70 cm at two sites with different flow conditions, taken on five occasions. About 78% of invertebrates were concentrated in the upper 20 cm layer. The invertebrate communities at the two sites varied in abundance, diversity, vertical distribution and stability of vertical distribution with time. Densities of invertebrates were not limited by fine grain content and showed a site-specific relationship with organic carbon content. Depth optima of invertebrates were negatively correlated with surface water temperature, but not with measured hydraulic parameters. Among individual taxa, Nematoda showed the deepest depth optimum.
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