The impact of high game density on enchytraeids in a mixed forest


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Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Contributions to Soil Zoology in Central Europe II
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords Enchytraeidae; Czech Republic; grazing; trodding; trampling; soil compaction; Hrabeiella periglandulata
Description The potential impact of high densities of ungulate game on Enchytraeidae and other small annelids was studied in grazed and ungrazed plots in the municipal forest of the city of Brno (Czech Republic) from Dec. 2003 to Dec. 2004. In total 10 enchytraeid species and the "polychaete" Hrabeiella periglandulata were found. The community structure differed slightly between the game enclosure and the adjacent forest but strongly between plots of differing vegetation (coniferous vs. mixed stands with conifers and deciduous trees) and thus humus layer. Abundances and vertical distribution did not show any significant differences between plots with similar vegetation inside and outside of the game preserve.
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