AhR-zprostředkovaná aktivita huminových látek a jejich fotodegradačních produktů

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This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Science. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English AhR-mediated activity of humic substances and their photo-degradation products


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Toxicita a biodegradabilita odpadů a látek významných ve vodním prostředí - XIII. Toxikologická konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Water pollution and control
Description Humic substances (HS) are ubiquitous in the environment - they constitute the major components of dissolved organic matter in waters and the major part of materials that comprise soil organic matter. However, some studies indicate that HS can induce a direct adverse effect on human health and hormone-like effects on fish, amphibians and invertebrates. HS molecules contain number of aromatic rings and conjugated double bonds - the so called chromophores. That implies irradiation of dissolved HS can lead to a series of photochemical reactions which can act on the HS itself, or on other substances present in aquatic environment along with HS such as e.g. xenobiotics. In our previous study, we have found significant interactions of pure humic acids (HA) with cytosolic aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The reporter gene in vitro bioassay with H4IIE-luc cells was used for determination of AhR-mediated activity of HA. H4IIE-luc are stably transfected hepatoma cells with a luciferase reporter gene that is activated via AhR. Irradiation of five different aqueous HA samples were carried out in pyrex tubes using low-pressure mercury lamp. Concentrations of irradiated HA samples were 50 mg/L, and irradiation times were from 0 to 52 hours. In this contribution, we summarize our new findings on alteration of AhR-mediated activity of irradiated HS under the lab conditions. Additionally, supposed mechanisms of observed irradiation-induced decrease in AhR-mediated activity of dissolved HS are discussed.
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