Identifikace a poziční klonování komponent auxinového transportu a buněčné polarity u Arabidopsis thaliana


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Title in English Identification and positional cloning of components of auxin transport and cell polarity in Arabidopsis thaliana


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bulletin České společnosti experimentální biologie rostlin a Fyziologické sekce Slovenské botanické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords Arabidopsis thaliana; hormone auxin;
Description Development of plant body strongly depends on intercellular transport and distribution of hormone auxin. Mechanism of polar auxin transport has remained elusive despite considerable efforts towards the biochemical characterization of binding sites and several screens for auxin-transport-inhibitor mutants. Using a fungal toxin Brefeldin A, which inhibits recycling of proteins in cells, it has been shown that Arabidopsis auxin transport proteins from the PIN family constitutively cycles between the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments. In situ visualization of putative auxin efflux carriers PIN1 and PIN2 revealed their asymmetric distribution in the plasma membrane that correlates with direction of auxin flow. Using forward genetic we have screened for EMS-induced mutants with changed PIN activity and cellular localization. We identified several mutants affected in these processes and recently we are working on identification of affected genes via positional cloning of the corresponding mutations.
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