Changes in nutrient limitation of spring fen vegetation along environmental gradients in the West Carpathians

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Vegetation Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords Calcium; Iron; Nitrogen; Phosphorus; Poor-rich gradient; Potassium
Description Changes in nutrient limitation for plant growth along major environmental gradients in fens and wet meadows were found out using concentration of elements in plant biomass. The study was performed in the western margin in the West Carpathians. Results suggest that variation in the type of nutrient limitation is not a dominant cause of the poor-rich gradient in fens due to the important role of calcium and iron. Nevertheless, species distribution along the poor-rich gradient is influenced by phosphorus shortage in tufa-forming fens. Additional P and K-supply to Ca-rich fens can alter species composition towards forb rich meadows.
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