Students point of view of the biology lecture taught with an ICT assistance: Preliminary results


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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Problems of Education in 21st century
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords information and communication technologies; biology; students
Description In our contribution, we focused on using of information and communication technologies in the biology lessons concretely on birds class. We find out the students points of view of this lesson. The five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used as a measurement tool. The questionnaire included 27 statements and there was a place for expressing of the own students opinion there. The results were processed by using of factor analysis and ANOVA. The sample consisted of 70 secondary grammar schools students. General results should goes first - it means what was found in the research? Was ICT assistance considered to be important for students/ positively appreciated? In every dimension, the students from bigger town (according to the number of inhabitants) reached more positive score in questionnaire than the other students in sample. Gender differences were generally weak.
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