Voľný čas budúcich učiteľov prírodovedných predmetov


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Leisure time of future teachers of science subjects


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pedagogika voľného času - Teória a prax
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web http://www.kubiatko.eu/clanky_pdf/volny_cas_buducich_ucitelov_prirodovednych_predmetov.pdf
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords leisure time; future teacher
Description The concept leisure time is not accessible for everyone today. Some people consider it to be a luxury, which is not given to them. They are busy, they work all the time and they are not able to think of relax very often. In this contribution we are focused on leisure time of incoming science teachers, whether they have got enough time for themselves and which activities do they prefer to do during their spare time. Are they identified with activities connected with sport, walking, travelling, reading books, or with playing PC games. We should think of the reality, that their behavior and their attitudes are very important in character formation of young people, their pupils.
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