Roost switching and activity patterns in the soprano pipistrelle, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, during lactation

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Annales zoologici Fennici
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Pipistrellus pygmaeus; radiotelemetry; nursery colony; roosting and foraging activity
Description We studied roost switching and habitat selection of 16 P. pygmaeus females tagged in two nursery colonies. There were differences in overnight roosting and flying. The highest foraging activity was observed over water bodies, at forest edges and near streetlamps. During each night, each female visited at least one night roost, and five females regularly visited two roosts. On average, the females visited a roost 3.7 times per night. After parturition, the distances between night roosts and day roosts increased. The number of night roosts used declined as pups neared weaning. Five females changed day roosts after two nights. Some females transported their offspring to new roosts at night based on the observation of flightless young in new roosts. After lactation began, some females visited roosts occupied by vocalizing male P. pygmaeus and P. nathusii.
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