Spatiotemporal aspect of cytokinin-auxin interaction in hormonal regulation of the root meristem


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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Plant Signaling & Behavior
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords root meristem - hormonal regulation - cytokinin-auxin interaction - spatiotemporal specificity - Arabidopsis thaliana
Description Plant root development is ensured by activity of primary root (PR) and lateral root (LR) meristems. PR meristem forms during embryogenesis and its final size is acquired soon after germination. LR meristems are formed postembryonically. Interactions of plant hormones that act in defined cells at specific time-points are thought to be crucial for the meristems formation. Cytokinin (CK) has been shown to affect (a) the correct stem-cell organization of PR meristem in embryo, (b) root meristem size and (c) LR formation. All these CK-controlled processes are also affected by auxin. In this addendum (to the article Kuderova et al., Effects of conditional IPT-dependent cytokinin overproduction on root architecture of Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell Physiol 2008; 49:570-82; PMID: 18296451; DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcn029) recent data providing first insights into molecular mechanisms and spatiotemporal specificity of CK-auxin interactions during root growth and development are discussed.
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