Monogenean parasites of cichlid fishes from Senegal: morphology and species diversity


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Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Seven species of Cichlidae were investigated from the selected localities situated in the National park Niokolo Koba (Senegal) for the presence of monogenean parasite species. A total of 36 species of monogenean parasite species were recorded. From them, 34 species have previously been described, whilst two species are considered as new species. All monogenean species were found on the gills, only the representatives of Enterogyrus species were found in the intestine. Using the morphology and morphometry of the sclerotised parts of attachment organ and copulatory organs we distinguised 9 morphological types of gill parasites. The main aim of this study is to investigate the divesity of monogeneans and their host species. The next aim will be to perform phylogenetic reconstructions of parasites using partial 18S rDNA, ITS1 and 28S rDNA sequences to investigate the evolutionary patterns and processes in host - parasite system directed on the coevolution and codiversification in cichlid fish and their monogenean parasites.
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