Seasonal dynamics and distribution of metazoan parasites of gudgeon (Gobio gobio L.)


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Year of publication 2006
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Parasite microhabitat distribution represents a very important characteristic describing course of parasite infection. The changes in environment could affect parasites communities (abundance, prevalence, intensity of infection and species richness). Epidemiological changes of parasite population are related to their distribution along the body surface of the host fish. Seasonal dynamics and microhabitat distribution of metazoan parasite of gudgeon were studied from January 2004 to December 2005 from Vlara Stream (Czech Republic). A total of 480 specimens of gudgeon were collected monthly; 20 individuals per sample. Altogether 14 parasite species (14838 individuals) were identified. 0.4 % of all parasites represented ectoparasites. The monogenean were the most abundant. The most of parasites were recorded on fins (60.5 %) and gills (31.6 %).Microhabitat distribution was studied on six species of gill parasites and on five species parasitising fins. It was evident that the monogeneans prefer specific niches on the gill apparatus and certain fins.
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