Plošná inovace předmětů s využitím e-learningových nástrojů Informačního systému Masarykovy univerzity (IS MU)


This publication doesn't include Institute of Computer Science. It includes Faculty of Informatics. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Large-Scale Course Innovation Achieved with the Aid of E-learning Tools of Masaryk University's Information System (IS MU)


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference UNINFOS 2009
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords E-learning;user support;IS MU;multimedia;animations;IT
Description The Masaryk University teachers have been using e-learning design tools since 2004. These tools enable them to create complex e-learning courses with interactive syllabi containing, among other things, references to ROPOT (Revision, Opinion Poll and Testing) applica-tions (tests) housing multimedia objects, references to study materials, discussion groups as well as various Internet sources. Inside the System, the teachers can design written exams with test sheets, whose contents can be scanned and automatically assessed - a technology saving them a lot of time they would otherwise spend marking the exams. An application called Drill represents a comparatively new tool utilized by students for learning large amounts of information items, most commonly vocabulary of a foreign lan-guage. As one of the conditions for working with the aforementioned tools is computer lite-racy, Masaryk University began to train its teachers in how to use the System for this purpose and created technical support teams providing all the necessary training to both groups and individuals. Thus, even a complete IT beginner can quickly and easily master the basics of e-learning design. What motivates teachers to use the tools is the fact that these are linked to students' study-related records - an aspect enabling them to inform the students about the grades they gained by e-mail, have the students' tests assessed and their grades uploaded into their records. The idea underlying the tools is that of teaching the teachers to design simple e-learning material as well as administer it and thus make them (the teachers) self-contained in the innovation process. Apart from the easy-to-create material, the teachers can also have complex multimedia objects such as video, audio, 2D and 3D animations, images, etc. incorporated in their electronic tools by a team of experienced designers working with the latest design technologies. The article introduces the project called System of Education for Programs of Studies Innovation with IT Support co-funded by European Social Fund and from the Czech Republic's budget ( The project, which is part of the Operational Program called Education for Competitiveness, aims to bring innovation to MU courses with the aid of ICT, create a new system of education in this area targeting staff and students and their IT literacy as well as help them develop skills necessary for the e-learning-assisted course design.
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