Nematodes of Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) from freshwater fishes in Senegal, with a key to species


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KOUBKOVÁ Božena BARUŠ Vlastimil HODOVÁ Iveta

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Helminthologia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords Nematoda; Cithariniella; Siluriformes; Characiformes; fishes; West Africa; key to species
Description Three nematode species of Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae), C. citharini, C. khalili, and C. gonzalesi, were recorded from the recta of squeaker (Mochokidae: Siluriformes) and citharinid (Citharinidae: Characiformes) fishes from Senegal, West Africa. Morphological characteristics obtained by scanning electron microscopy (form of oral aperture and cephalic papillae, presence of lateral alae, distribution and form of cloacal papillae, simple or paired papillae on tail of males, eggs with numerous long filaments on each pole in females) correspond well to the generic diagnosis and represent species differences. The shape and size of the cephalic papillae and lips were identified as a new determination feature. C. gonzalesi is reported for the first time from Senegal and its host, Paradistichodus dimidiatus, represents a new host record. A tentative simple key for differentiating C. citharini, C.khalili, C. gonzalesi and C. petterae is provided based upon these results.
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